Here at VendorBall we like to focus most of our attentions on sports and not too much on our personal lives because, hey, I mean who cares about me? However, on the occasion that a funny story intersects in some way with sports, we feel all right trying to entertain without being informative. This story is about VendorBall Writer Kyle Baxter's 4204th Fenway Park injury.*
Kyle Baxter, Fenway Injury #4204: 1st degree burns on top and side of right foot and ankle due to boiling hot dog water from a hot dog bin, likely kicked over by a 10-year old girl. "When it happened I jumped out of the way so the bin didn't fall-fall on me and break a toe and started running up the stairs due to my momentum. By the way, I was one step up from the visiting dugout to the far side where the photographers and Kathryn Tappen set up shop. So I run up and realize, 'Wow my foot is hot'... 'My foot is really hot'... 'My F%*$^# FOOT'. So I rip off my shoe and sock and by this time everyone is looking at this nutty vendor who ran up half of one of these little rows and ripped off his sock and shoe (although most saw me drop the bin, too). So these two boxes of people are looking cocernedly at me, a few asking how I am. I go 'I'm OK! No problem, that was planned,' loud enough for all to hear. Of course, they burst into a round of applause. I'm going "oh no, please, that doesn't make it better, that makes it the opposite of better.' Now, I need to gather up my pride and the full contents of my hot dog bin (hot dogs, condiments, wax paper, buns, and tongs) by hand and go back to the station, clean up and cash out before I can go to the medical place (although I did get to run my foot under water and put ice on it beforehand). Man my life is special."
Although I want to thank everyone from that section who saw me get hurt. Everyone seemed genuinely concerned and were very nice to me in my time of hot-footed need. So in case you were there and are reading this (unlikely as it may be), thank you.
*For those who don't know, Kyle has been working at Fenway park for since the 2002 season. The vendor pictured above is not Kyle Baxter.
Post written by Kyle "Hot Dog Hot Foot" Baxter
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